
A donation to the Streator Area United Way in memory of a family member or friend is a thoughtful way to honor someone whose life has been impacted by the United Way or one of it's agencies. Your memorial will positively impact the lives of individuals for years to come.

To Make A Donation: Make your check out to Streator Area United Way and in the Memo Line Print the person's name. A letter of thank you will be sent to you and also a letter to the family informing them of your thoughtful donation.

Janice Hart

Janice was a dedicated volunteer to the Streator Area United Way for more than 50 Years.  Janice served in many ways as a board member and officer, campaign chairperson, and Vanguard worker.  She was always available to help in any way she was needed.  The joy she brought in service of others will long serve as an example to us all.

Bruce Hart

Betty Di Gusto, former Executive Director of the Streator Area United Way, remembers Bruce for his 51 years of service to the United Way.
At varying times, he has served as a campaign worker, campaign chairman, treasurer of the board and Vanguard worker. His was awarded the Tom Wilson award for all of his hard work and dedication. We will all miss his smiling face and his jovial attitude.