Schools Tools helps to equip economically disadvantaged students with the basic learning supplies they need to be successful at school. A variety of school supplies, from pencils to protractors, will be distributed to the grade schools without charge of any kind to the schools or students.
Over 64% of Streator Area families with children who attend area schools are economically disadvantaged. Low income parents must first take care of housing and food needs before they can consider school clothes and school supplies. As a result, their children go to school without the essential supplies that other children take for granted. The lack of adequate supplies can affect the children’s opportunity for academic achievement.
School Tools is for economically disadvantaged children entering grades K-5 and enrolled in one of the area seven schools for 2019-2020 school year. The 2019 Schools Tools Program is expected to provide assistance to area students and their families. Schools eligible to receive free School Tools include: Kimes, Centennial, Northlawn 5th graders, St. Michael’s, and Woodland Elementary. In 2019, Streator Area United Way gave $5,000 in school supplies.
Free to the schools and to the students. School supply distribution is based on income eligibility. To qualify for School Tools students must be eligible for the federal lunch program. The supplies provided will be tailored to each school’s required supply list and the quantity of supplies presented will be determined by the number of low-income student enrollment and donations.
Streator Area United Way has accepted the challenge of making basic schools to low-income students. The program’s success is dependent on the generous donation of many individuals, companies and organizations. Schools Tools hopes to distribute over $5,000 in school supplies to area schools. This is our third year for this program.
Make checks payable to Streator Area United Way
In memo area write: School Tools